Allen & Mike's Telemark Tips 2nd Edition

Allen & Mike's Telemark Tips 2nd Edition

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Allen O'Bannon grew up in Portland, Oregon and first learned to ski on the sloped of Mount Hood. In the mid-8s he made not only a transition to the mountains of the west, but also to a pair of freeheel bindings. Allen has worked for the National Outdoor Leadership School since 1987 and is a senior instructor in the NOLS winter program. Unable to find a real job, he turned to writing this book to support his ski habit. He currently resides for part of the year in Victor, Idaho.Mike Clelland never went to Art School, studying Mad Magazine instead. Mike grew up in the flat plains of Michigan, then spent ten years (as a Yuppie!) in New York City. In 1987 he thought it might be fun to be a ski bum in Wyoming for the winter. Unfortunately, after living and skiing in the Rockies, he found it quite impossible to return to his previous life in the Big City. Mike is presently living in a shed in Idaho where he divides his time between illustrator and NOLS instructor.