How To Choose A Nordic Ski
If you love gliding through the mountains listening to bobolinks, smelling pines, and avoiding snow pillows shussing from a high branch then Nordic backcountry (BC) skiing is for you. Nordic...
Neptune Staff |
If you love gliding through the mountains listening to bobolinks, smelling pines, and avoiding snow pillows shussing from a high branch then Nordic backcountry (BC) skiing is for you. Nordic...
Neptune Staff |
With so many brands and models of packs to choose from, we wanted to break down how to choose a ski/splitboard touring pack that works best for you. Features...
Amy Wansing |
BC skis for long outings and expeditions: Durable, tough, and semi-narrow skis. Most of these skis fit into groomed tracks but are made to work in the harshest conditions, like...
Amy Wansing |
Nordic Skiing: Learn the Basics Shop Nordic ski Gear While very popular in Norway, in the U.S. Nordic ski touring tends to conjure images of 80-year-old grandparents in Minnesota. But, if you...
Neptune Staff |